Rap's LairToca de Assis
Praça da Sé São Paulo capital, isThe poor brother street lives like an animalTonight will be cold, the moon is only companion.This is the life of the homeless.With the danger around you, you can not relaxThe dawn is violence in the city without stopping.The cold, fear, anguish, loneliness, her only way out is to say a prayer.And ask God to keep it tonightNight cold, empty streets, no man's land claim for whom?Look
at one side, look to the other, you can not sleep, the animal're loose,
tighten sleep, Grandpa have to risk, lying on the sidewalk for the eyes
closed. In the hands of God have to deliver, not sure if it will wake up.Another night in the street now, thank God for the saved. Collect their rags and then gets up, the day comes, harvesting hope, hope that today is different. With faith in God and keep moving.Who is .. that will look for me? Such is life!Who is .. only God who will look for me, that's life!The sun appears, your hunger is dying.The brother is the rush to get something to eat.His only intention, see just how it is, get a bagel or a cup of coffee.But with the injured leg and his bleeding wound, he heard at the bar:-SEE WHETHER TO WORK!With the arrogance security throw you out and saying:- BEGGAR! HERE WILL NOT beg!Lying on the sidewalk bro hear someone say:- A BUM LIKE THAT! HAD TO DIE!Then he crawls through the streets of downtownAnd when you open the church, there he goes inside.He lowers his head to make his prayer,When it comes to safety says:- UP CITIZEN! TORN AT YOUR CLOTHES, YOUR SMELL IS bitter, BUM IS BETTER TO CONNECT TO RETIRE!He looks around and can not understand. When it hits the eye on the cross,It sees Christ died, and with that vision,His soul God will console him out there, for what? to beg.Who is .. that will look for me? Such is life!Who is .. only God who will look for me, that's life!Sitting on the pavement of the church my brother cries,Question for yourself: "What for these people now?Will not see me suffering like this?Or are they going to Mass to fulfill more a precept? "His weakness is so great that it can no longer speak, someone tosses a coin and has the strength to get close to fainting,Fallen on the stair notes the rush of going to the Cathedral.Indifferent is the people, some think it's funny. Justify to yourself: "Is it my fault? Anyone help the guy, it's not my problem, not mine, not mine, not mine, no!"With his last strength, he wants to achieve with a desire to crawl to the door of the church.Almost
at the last breath, my brother sees the altar, and as a movie in his
mind he begins to remember that in his childhood, his mother always
wanted to teach the importance of the presence of Jesus Christ on the
altar.Confident, repented of all their sins, as Dimas on the cross with Christ on your side.Christ dies on the altar, the step brother.Paradise awaits you, is God's gift unique,But then, pay attention! if your goal is heaven ..gotta love the truth, what matters is love.Embrace the poor with all my heart, because one day in heaven, they will welcome you brother."Come, ye blessed of my Father, come to the kingdom which you have prepared for all eternity"Who is .. that will look for me? Such is life!Who is .. only God who will look for me, that's life!
31 Quando, pois vier o Filho do homem na sua glória, e todos os anjos com ele, então se assentará no trono da sua glória;
32 e diante dele serão reunidas todas as nações; e ele separará uns dos outros, como o pastor separa as ovelhas dos cabritos;
33 e porá as ovelhas à sua direita, mas os cabritos à esquerda.
34 Então dirá o Rei aos que estiverem à sua direita: Vinde, benditos de meu Pai. Possuí por herança o reino que vos está preparado desde a fundação do mundo;
35 porque tive fome, e me destes de comer; tive sede, e me destes de beber; era forasteiro, e me acolhestes;
36 estava nu, e me vestistes; adoeci, e me visitastes; estava na prisão e fostes ver-me.
37 Então os justos lhe perguntarão: Senhor, quando te vimos com fome, e te demos de comer? ou com sede, e te demos de beber?
38 Quando te vimos forasteiro, e te acolhemos? ou nu, e te vestimos?
39 Quando te vimos enfermo, ou na prisão, e fomos visitar-te?
40 E responder-lhes-á o Rei: Em verdade vos digo que, sempre que o fizestes a um destes meus irmãos, mesmo dos mais pequeninos, a mim o fizestes.
41 Então dirá também aos que estiverem à sua esquerda: Apartai- vos de mim, malditos, para o fogo eterno, preparado para o Diabo e seus anjos;
42 porque tive fome, e não me destes de comer; tive sede, e não me destes de beber;
43 era forasteiro, e não me acolhestes; estava nu, e não me vestistes; enfermo, e na prisão, e não me visitastes.
44 Então também estes perguntarão: Senhor, quando te vimos com fome, ou com sede, ou forasteiro, ou nu, ou enfermo, ou na prisão, e não te servimos?
45 Ao que lhes responderá: Em verdade vos digo que, sempre que o deixaste de fazer a um destes mais pequeninos, deixastes de o fazer a mim.
46 E irão eles para o castigo eterno, mas os justos para a vida eterna.
Mt. 25, 31-46
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