

31 Quando, pois vier o Filho do homem na sua glória, e todos os anjos com ele, então se assentará no trono da sua glória; 32 e diante dele serão reunidas todas as nações; e ele separará uns dos outros, como o pastor separa as ovelhas dos cabritos; 33 e porá as ovelhas à sua direita, mas os cabritos à esquerda. 34 Então dirá o Rei aos que estiverem à sua direita: Vinde, benditos de meu Pai. Possuí por herança o reino que vos está preparado desde a fundação do mundo; 35 porque tive fome, e me destes de comer; tive sede, e me destes de beber; era forasteiro, e me acolhestes; 36 estava nu, e me vestistes; adoeci, e me visitastes; estava na prisão e fostes ver-me. 37 Então os justos lhe perguntarão: Senhor, quando te vimos com fome, e te demos de comer? ou com sede, e te demos de beber? 38 Quando te vimos forasteiro, e te acolhemos? ou nu, e te vestimos? 39 Quando te vimos enfermo, ou na prisão, e fomos visitar-te? 40 E responder-lhes-á o Rei: Em verdade vos digo que, sempre que o fizestes a um destes meus irmãos, mesmo dos mais pequeninos, a mim o fizestes. 41 Então dirá também aos que estiverem à sua esquerda: Apartai- vos de mim, malditos, para o fogo eterno, preparado para o Diabo e seus anjos; 42 porque tive fome, e não me destes de comer; tive sede, e não me destes de beber; 43 era forasteiro, e não me acolhestes; estava nu, e não me vestistes; enfermo, e na prisão, e não me visitastes. 44 Então também estes perguntarão: Senhor, quando te vimos com fome, ou com sede, ou forasteiro, ou nu, ou enfermo, ou na prisão, e não te servimos? 45 Ao que lhes responderá: Em verdade vos digo que, sempre que o deixaste de fazer a um destes mais pequeninos, deixastes de o fazer a mim. 46 E irão eles para o castigo eterno, mas os justos para a vida eterna. Mt. 25, 31-46

segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012

Advertising campaigns disregard the sacred

Unfortunately, it has become common practice to offend the Catholic faith with protests, ads and commercials using the symbols and Catholic churches.Benetton, for example, last year released a commercial titled "Unhate" (no hate), which manipulated the image of Pope Benedict XVI and a Muslim leader - the imam of Cairo - with a montage. In this, both were kissing on the mouth for a marketing campaign.The image was released on November 16, in various places of Rome, including Castel Sant'Angelo bridge a few meters from the Vatican.The Holy See issued the same day, a tough statement, announcing that he would "take the measures necessary to protect adequately the image of the Holy Father for such abuse," but he would not seek compensation for economic nature.The "wise guys" know how to draw public attention to their products, picking on the Catholic faith, causing scandal and sensationalism.Now, the Benetton Group issued a statement, which expressed "regret for having offended the sensibilities of His Holiness Benedict XVI and Catholic believers." It now provides that "all the images of the person of the Holy Father were removed from the commercial circuit and will not make any future use of the image of Benedict VXI without prior authorization of the Holy See."Only now? Do not give to see that this would happen before launching a vicious propaganda? What right does a company of mocking the religious leaders of the two religions that have more fans in the world today? It's bad manners, civility, respect, love of neighbor.Now, we see an advertisement of brand "Melissa", which uses the interior of a church campaign to advertise their products. However, we agree, the church is a sacred temple, blessed by the Bishop for the celebration of the sacraments and use of the faithful to prayer, not to be profaned with marketing campaigns.We noticed often that many attack the Church, but require compliance with the Catholics, however, do not behave the same way with them.Another shocking fact against the Catholic faith was a contest held in gay United States to elect the "sexiest Jesus Christ." The event occurred on Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012, in San Francisco, California. The idea debauched overflowed the feeling of gay activists against Christianity. The contest chose the sexiest imitation of Jesus Christ.The meeting is organized for 33 years by the gay group "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" (The Sisters of Perpetual Vice), which want to be respected, but Catholics do not respect even their God.Mr Pastor Marco Feliciano made a speech in the House of Representatives in session May 9, 2012, to express their outrage about the attitude of a TV presenter in Sao Paulo. The man, in his program aired on national television, urged his viewers to spray paint the walls of churches with the phrase: "God is gay." The congressman asked the prosecutor steps of St. Paul.I could also cite many other facts like those above, but I think the readers have already noticed.It is worth remembering what Saint Paul said: "God is not mocked" (Galatians 6:7). He is not vindictive, but withdrawing His blessing from us, perish the dangers of this life.Who is not Christian and does not accept the morality that Jesus Christ left the Church has every right to live according to your belief and be respected, but must also respect the faith of Christians. Nobody is forced to live the Christian morality, but that does not turn into derision what, for most of the Brazilian people, is sacred. Moreover, according to our Criminal Code, such action constitutes a crime.Professor Felipe Aquino Extracted Portal New Song

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